Innovative Teaching Grants

The Innovative Teaching Grants program provides teachers and staff with the resources and tools needed to impact student achievement within TISD. The goal is to directly support the needs of the teacher(s) and their classroom by bringing innovative creative, original, and out of the box learning practices into the learning environment.

Each year, teachers from campuses across TISD submit grant applications to fund their ideas and teaching innovations. The Innovative Teaching Grants program brings these ideas to life in the classroom and the lives of the students when other funding may not be available.

Over the years, TEF Grants have served TISD teachers, students and parents by:

  • Creating enhanced learning environments
  • Closing student achievement gaps
  • Introducing new instructional technologies
Grant applications are open from now until August 4 at midnight

Innovative Teaching Grants are designed to encourage, facilitate, recognize and reward innovative and creative instructional approaches to accomplish program objectives. The Temple Education Foundation (TEF) offers all Temple Independent School District (TISD) staff an opportunity to apply for grants to fund innovative programs or projects to support higher levels of student learning.


Who Can Apply

TISD employees involved in the instruction of students or direct support services may apply as an individual or team of individuals. The application must be approved by the campus principal or department supervisor.


What Will We Fund

Eligible Grant Proposals

TEF will only consider applications that fund classroom materials; parent involvement programs; or any other activity that supports student academic achievement.

Not Considered for Funding

Grants requesting funds for travel, food, employee salary, or school field trips will not be considered. General requests for textbooks will not be granted because of Texas textbook laws; if your project requires these types of materials explain fully the need and why they are not currently available through TISD.


Selection Criteria

New projects receive preference over existing, already awarded grants. The grants will be reviewed on the following criteria:

  • The degree to which the proposal is clear and logical.
  • Represents a creative and innovative approach to teaching.
  • Develops programs that would expand the existing curriculum.
  • Clarity of description of ideas and implementation procedures.
  • Preference will be given to new projects, as opposed to existing projects.

Award of Funds


Grants of up to $5,000 can be awarded to individuals, campus teams, or departments.

The number of awards given will depend on funds available from TEF.

Please address any questions to:
