The Callaway Foundation gifts addition funds, totaling $40,000 for 2020 scholarships

The Temple Education Foundation (TEF) was presented with $26,000 from the Callaway Foundation at the Temple Education Foundation’s Distinguished Alumni Event this past October. This money, along with other funds from a previous scholarship from the Callaway Foundation, will be awarded to 2020 Temple Independent School District (TISD) graduating seniors.  A total of eight $5,000 scholarships will be given to high school students pursuing some element of secondary education.

J. L. and Bonnelle Callaway created the Foundation in July of 2002, one year before each of their deaths.  The Callaways formed the Foundation to enhance the futures of high school graduates and to help students realize their dreams.  J. L. Callaway worked for McLane Company in Temple for more than 55 years as one of its key senior executives.  The Foundation is administered by Kevin Koch and wife, Hope, an associate professor of Information Systems at Baylor University.

In the spring, the Callaway Foundation scholarships and around 30 other general TEF, endowed, named, and pass through scholarships will be given to THS Class of 2020 students.
